#143 - No Fooling Around (Highlights from the April Fools 8k in Atlantic City, NJ)

Episode #143 In this week’s blog/podcast we will discuss highlight the amazing weekend that was the April Fools 8k & Half Marathon. We had everything from a 60 year old doing her farthest race distance to a young teen winning her age group!

Hello, my name is Coach Tadris Parker, I have a passion for helping people become healthier one step at a time. My podcast is designed to help share stories of everyday people that are doing amazing things with their health through running, walking, and following a whole food approach. My blogs are my shorthand notes for the podcast. The notes may not always be complete, but they are short and to the point for a quick read. Continue to scroll down for a quick read and check out this week’s photos. 

Thanks for checking out this week’s post.

Press play to hear me dive into this topic. 

Keep Calm and Run To The Best You program brought a total of 15 run/walkers to the event over the April Fools weekend in Atlantic City, N.J. We had 10 members participate in the 8k on Saturday. Two members run the April Fools half marathon on Sunday. The cherry on top was two members from California, (a mother and son) ran the event virtually.

We start off by highlighting this mother and daughter tandom. JoAnna and daughter Addie has been running races together for the past year now. This was their first 8k and they were outstanding. Well after the event, I found out the Addie came in first place in her age group.

JoAnna Robbins says about the picture above:

“I’d say Addie had a pretty good day! Killed it on her first 8k placing 1st in her group, then got to snuggle a lamb and finished with a double lacrosse game where she scored her first goal!” ❤️🥇🐑🥍

it has been such a pleasure to coach these two!

proud to bring families together. Appreciate you both.

Keep up your gretaness together! -Coach

Chris Ballard Beat Her Goal (Sub 60 Minutes)

Chis states: “Great morning for an 8K race! My goal was under one hour & I did it!! It was perfect brisk weather with a lil sun! Great job to everyone in my race family!”🏅 #runtothebestyou Listen to Chris Ballard on episode #19

So proud of Chris and thankful for her leadership! -Coach

Jessica Young isn’t running, she’s soaring!

Jessica’s Emotional Post Race Reflections:

”What a morning with the Keep Calm and Run to The Best You crew! 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃

I ran my first 8k race! The energy at this event was amazing 🤩

Emotional gratitude rant below:

Do you know what came to mind while I was running today? Our shirts have our team name on them, and I wonder sometimes what people might think when I take my walk breaks. “That’s the best you?” (My inner critic is mean sometimes, what can I say?) Today I immediately answered that thought with “hell yes this is the best you!!” I don’t remember the last time I took on a challenge like running and committed to it, saw it through even though it wasn’t (isn’t) easy for me. I had a belief in myself today that is new, and it gave me the energy to fly across the finish line. 🏁 Thanks Coach Tadris Parker. You and the crew you’ve built are truly changing lives.”

Listen to Jessica Young on episode #115

Absolutely love the fire my 2021 Rookie of The Year

brings to our group. So proud of Jessica - Coach

Lisa Diaz Continues to Get It Done!

Lisa notches another race under her belt as she continues to work to become the healthiest grandmother on the planet. Listen to the Lisa Diaz on episode #49

Great job Lisa! I look forward to see who you inspire next. -Coach

Melissa Southrey’s Longest race brings on the smiles

Here are Melissa’s post-run reflections:

“What can I say about Coach Tadris?

Every single race, he finds his peeps and helps them cross the finish line.

Tadris has us look at the finish line by providing sites he wants us to focus on such as telephone poles, TV screens, etc.

What he didn't know is the lady running on the left of me was ahead by 20 to 25 yards the last 2 miles of this race

I said to Coach Tadris: “My goal is to cross that finish line before that chick!”

He yelled: “GO FOR IT.”

So I did.

Thanks, Coach 🐎🏃‍♀️

I’m speechless when it comes to this young 60 year old’s COMPETITIVE nature! Melissa, you are amazing. Keep up your greatness! -Coach

Norm Mccoy is the first member to cross the finish line.

We are so thankful for Norm’s strength and leadership within our program. Norm expects the best from himself every time out and we love it.

Keep running my brother! - Coach

Marla & Leonard Rosenthol (Only members to run the Half Marathon)

This power couple is amazing and we love them very much. The weather wasn’t easy for this half marathon, but there is no quit in these two. They traveled the world and came back home to run a marathon together! Listen to the Rosenthols on episode #120

You both inspire us every day. Keep up your greatness together! - Coach

Marla is so sassy…… Camera man had to get this shot!

Did you know we trained people to do race events virtually?

Lara Justine and her son Leo (Lower Left Corner) live in California and I am so proud of this duo. Mother and son getting it done together touch my heart. The fact that we are 3,000 miles apart doesn’t stop us from inspiring one another. Lara and Leo are a huge part of our Run/Walk Club training program that is global. After our New Jersey crew ran our race, we got Jessica Young and Dawn Ruiz to hop on this Facetime call to motivate our members on the west coast.

Lara and Leo both inspire me as much as I hope to inspire them! - Coach

Charissa runs her first race w/ run to the best you crew

Charissa signed up for our 8-week training program on January 19th, 2022. Charissa’s training brought her to the April 2nd, 2022, April Fools 8K! This woman wasn’t fooling around. Charissa’s fire is contagious. Charissa states: ‘I love the accountability portion of this program. Besides having a living breathing coach, every member of the program is so encouraging. Makes us all want to show up every training and race for each other!”

Great job charissa, i look forward to your dominance in 2022! - Coach

“I love the accountability portion of this program. Besides having a living breathing coach, every member of the program is so encouraging.”

- Charissa Mcfarland

Dawn ruiz rocks her first race ever at 50 years young

Most people feel that their best athletic days are behind them once they hit 35 or 40 years old. Certainly, people assume at 50 years old it’s too late for them. Not this young lady. At the age of 50, she woke up one day and decided to try running. Dawn suffers from Lymes disease and other potentially crippling health issues. Nonetheless, Dawn decided not to just decay in the home until her day on this earth is through. Dawn decided to take decisive actions that were outside of the box in 2022. Dawn also signed up for our RUNA5K program on January 19th, 2022 which brought her here to this 8k. Let’s share with you Dawn’s emotional post-race thoughts that she shared on Facebook:

“Race Day Reflections…

The comeback is ALWAYS STRONGER than the setback‼️

❌”I hate running”

❌”I’m too old”

❌”I can’t run”

❌”I have pain just lying in bed”

❌Having a chronic illness (Lyme Disease) with no clear cut treatment plan is exhausting & frustrating

❌I’ve had so many doctors quit on me

❌I’ve had doctors tell me running is bad for you

❌I’ve taken so many medications

❌I resigned myself to the fact that I would never be able to be physically active beyond walking and yoga

❌I only have enough energy to do the things I NEED to do during the day

❌”My mojo sucks”

❌My lack of energy is affecting my mood, which is negatively impacting my work, and ultimately every relationship I hold dear

💫 If you found yourself nodding to any of those statements, I can help you!

💫You see, I hadn’t run since high school 30+ years ago and the thought really hadn’t crossed my mind because of the chronic pain I was having. Sad fact is, I was settling.


🌟I knew I needed to make a huge shift for my health

🌟I made a decision that I would run

🌟I found a running coach with a solid plan

🌟I refocused on eating clean with the 30 Day and cutting out foods that didn’t serve me

🌟I got back to my Miracle Morning

🌟I got clear on my WHY

🌟I focused on gratitude

🌟I took quitting off the table

🌟I visualized myself crossing the finish line

🌟I put the time in and worked hard

And yesterday, I went out there and ran MY RACE!

Was it record breaking? nope

Was it one of the best days ever? Yaaaasss!

Here’s why…I know how hard it is to deal with chronic pain and have low energy. I still deal with that, but it’s improving.

But I also remember well the days when I was too tired to go upstairs to bed, sleeping 14-18 hours a day, and to not be able to food shop and cook on the same day due to pain and fatigue. That was my life 7-8 years ago, but it will forever be with me.

💫So about mile 2, I ran with tears in my eyes because I was so grateful for my journey…where I am now is so far from where I had been!

Are you struggling with chronic pain, low energy, or stressing about a certain age or health status? Please reach out! We will work through it together! 🌟

Love your friend,


Dawn you are a rock-star!

Keep this mindset and there will be nothing you cannot do! - Coach

I’m standing with the early class of 2022. The year is still young and I’m looking to add more to our crew. To plant the seeds of belief into your mind that YOU TOO can accomplish your goal of running your first race. Some may already be runners and have a goal of stepping up to a milestone race like a 10k, half, or full marathon, we are here for that too. Listen to Dawn Ruiz Story in episode #137 and check out the Charissa McFarland in episode #135

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What Are Your Goals ?

  1. Run Your First 5k

  2. Control Your Weight

  3. Get Into The Best Shape of Your Life


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Thanks for reading this week's show. 

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Remember……. Keep Calm And Run To The Best You!