#181 - Tap Into Your Sense of Humor: Health Tips for Weight Loss

Weight loss tip number 77 is for dieters who are just getting started. Coach Tadris Parker has personally tested this recommendation and a hundred other health tips commonly shared in the running and fitness world. Listen to the audio clip below to hear his take on this tip: tap into your sense of humor. Learn all about this at Keep Calm and Run To The Best You!

This week, we’re bringing you an underrated tip for weight loss and wellness…drumroll, please… to tap into your sense of humor! A study presented at the European Congress on Obesity found those who laughed hard for approximately 10 to 15 minutes each day burned an additional 10 to 40 calories a day. Multiply that by 365 and those calories can add up.

Tip 77. Tap into your sense of humor (weight loss)

People famously commit to improving their health at the beginning of a new year. While getting healthy and feeling great is a worthy goal, the best way to roll into the new year is to roll in laughter! A sense of humor is SO, so good for your overhaul mental health and wellbeing. The part you may not know is that laughing is physically healthy, too.

We borrowed from Mens Health Magazine to find Tip #77 on our list of 101 Tips to Better Your Health. To honor this tip (tap into your sense of humor because laughing burns calories), we’ve collected a hilarious mix of jokes and posts that will make you laugh out loud - or at least crack a smile! The running joke is that you could be belly laughing your way to sculpted abs. 

See what we did there? ;)

Here are 31 funny posts to tap into your sense of humor this January:

1. THIRSTY RUNNERS, tap into your sense of humor

Check out this amusing video depicting the types of runners as they grab water from someone along the way! The best one is towards the end.



2. FULL FIGURED ATHLETES, tap into your sense of humor

If you are pleasantly plump and out of shape, or you have a full figured body type, you’ll enjoy this clever quip!


3. FANS OF DAD JOKES, tap into your sense of humor

The next time you’re in the kitchen prepping healthy meals, pull this joke on some unsuspecting bystander. Dad jokes win! https://pin.it/5MdUW74 

4. IF YOU’RE TEMPTED BY FAST FOOD, tap into your sense of humor

Shield yourself with a good laugh when you’re facing temptation. Commit to eating more fresh produce in 2023!


5. HATERS OF THE SCALE, tap into your sense of humor

Beyond the adorable vintage photo, this message will bring a smile to your face because we all can relate to scale fear!


6. STEP COUNTERS, tap into your sense of humor

If you’re serious about getting credit on the record for every single step you take, this meme is especially for you!


7. GYM GOERS, tap into your sense of humor

Read this gym joke and have a quick laugh - it will LIFT your spirit!

I’m like a ninja at the gym.

Because you’ll never see me there.

8. DIVAS AND MOVIE STARS, tap into your sense of humor

If you have a flair for the dramatic, here’s a hilarious excuse for your sudden weight gain.


9. LONG DISTANCE WALKERS, tap into your sense of humor

No matter how many miles you’ve walked, we’re willing to bet you’ve never seen a charade like this one!


10. MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, tap into your sense of humor

Whether you’re a psychiatrist, a therapist, a patient, or someone who believes laughter is the best medicine, that’s for you!

A man in the gym was at the bench press when the barbell fell on top of him.

Despite them being strong, no one could lift the barbell off of him so the man that was trapped tells someone to call a therapist, which they do.

When the therapist arrives, he asks the man why he called him and the man says, “I need to get something off my chest.”

11. EMOTIONAL EATERS, tap into your sense of humor

I would be funny if it wasn’t so true, ugh! Stop rewarding yourself with food - you are NOT a dog.


12. FOOD FREEDOM PRACTICERS, tap into your sense of humor

If you run so you can get away with eating junk food, you deserve to wear this shirt. Read more about food freedom here.


13. EXCUSE MAKERS AND SHAPERS, tap into your sense of humor

If you’re a master at justifying your lifestyle choices and doing it with a comical spin, here’s the meme for you.


14. CLAP BACK MASTERS, tap into your sense of humor

If you’re broke and defensive at the judgements of others, take a crack at shutting them down with a joke!



15. DESPERADOS, tap into your sense of humor

If you’re just shy of reaching your weight loss goal, you may reach a point of emptying your pockets and shaving your legs.


16. DOG WALKERS, tap into your sense of humor

If you want the people around you to know you mean business when it comes to trusting your dog’s instincts, wear this shirt.


17. CREATIVE EXERCISERS, tap into your sense of humor

When you don’t have access to standard gym equipment, you have to make do with what you’ve got!


18. GRUMPY INTERMITTENT FASTERS, tap into your sense of humor

If you’re opting for sarcasm as you’re getting through a challenging part of your IF routine, see if this brings a smirk your way.


19. SARCASTIC ATHLETES, tap into your sense of humor

Sarcasm can actually be an effective coping mechanism and reconnect you to your sense of humor, so grab this shirt and go!


20. IF YOU’RE FEELING DEAD FROM RUNNING, tap into your sense of humor

You might insist that you’re one step away from dropping dead on a run, so here’s a joke to appeal to your dark humor.


21. MAGAZINE SUBSCRIBERS, tap into your sense of humor

If you’re not one to be swayed by media tricks, you’ll probably find this meme to be amusing and disturbing at the same time.


22. CAT PEOPLE, tap into your sense of humor

Check out the expression on this chubby cat’s face as it’s miserably taking a stroll in a pastel jingle bell collar.


23. FOR THOSE COMFORTABLE WITH THEIR BODIES, tap into your sense of humor

If you’re comfortable and confident in the skin you’re in and not afraid to show it, you’ll enjoy this blonde-joke-style mixup.


24. RUNNERS HIGH SEEKERS, tap into your sense of humor

Are you working hard for the runner's high and waiting for the rush of endorphins? Here’s the perfect shirt to inspire your runs!


25. NIKE FANS WHO JUST CAN'T, tap into your sense of humor

Nike sneakers are great for running but the encouraging slogan doesn’t ring true when it feels like you just can’t do it.


26. SENIOR CITIZENS, tap into your sense of humor

Do you feel like your body parts are ganging up on you? Our senior members will get a good chuckle from this fitness meme. 


27. ANTI-JOGGERS, tap into your sense of humor

If your exercise routine is more like a cry for help, this meme should sum it up for you when you’re jogging.



28. DISNEY LOVERS, tap into your sense of humor

Everybody loves that silly, old bear, Winnie the Pooh, who was proud of his round bottom even before it was cool. Go Disney!



29. PLANK DREADERS, tap into your sense of humor

If the thought of doing planks and body weight exercises makes you shiver, just picture looking like this elephant!


30. PROTEIN SHAKE BLENDERS, tap into your sense of humor

If you’re notorious for creating a cloud of fine powder when you’re making shakes and smoothies, have a look at this guy!


31. RELATIONSHIP BUILDERS, tap into your sense of humor

When you hire a running coach and you know you can count on them for great advice, you stick with them for life!



At Keep Calm and Run To The Best You, we are actively helping people from all walks of life to get healthier and happier in the body they’ve got! We’ve collected advice from professionals, combed through archives, and gathered insights from our group members. Click here to see the rest of our 101 health tips about running, intermittent fasting, and weight loss.

Find support and accountability at Run/Walk Club

Coach Tadris Parker educates and motivates people at all levels of intermittent fasting and mindful eating.

Email coachtadris@gmail.com with questions about our Run/Walk Club, running events, or health programs.

Get support and accountability on your journey to better health in a casual and fun setting: Join the Run/Walk Club!