#162 - DISCOVER FOOD FREEDOM - DELAY, DON’T DENY: Health Tips for Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting tip number 35 is for those who are just getting started with intermittent fasting. Coach Tadris Parker has personally tested this recommendation and a hundred other health tips commonly shared in the running and fitness world. Listen to the audio clip below to hear his take on this one piece of health advice: “Delay, Don’t Deny”… Learn all about this at Keep Calm and Run To The Best You!

“Delay, Don’t Deny! Intermittent Fasting puts the restriction on when you eat, rather than what foods or how much you’ve got on your plate.”  —Tadris Parker, running coach and founder at Keep Calm and Run To The Best You

Tip 35. Discover Food Freedom - Delay, Don’t Deny (intermittent fasting)

Before we tackle what intermittent fasting is, let’s talk about what it is not. Intermittent Fasting (aka IF) is not a mind game, it is not a punishment, it is not a cost-cutting strategy or an eating disorder or a path to starvation. It’s not recommended for children, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding or have serious health conditions, Please carefully consider if IF is right for you.

Food Freedom, mindfully

What is intermittent fasting? Think of it like this: “Delay, don’t deny.” You can eat whatever foods you want in whatever quantity you’d like but you MUST be disciplined about when to eat and when to fast. Delaying indulgences is partly about timing but it’s also about having the right state of mind.

Food Freedom Forever, written by Melissa Hartwig, challenges us to train our brains to listen to our bodies. Food freedom has caught on like wildfire in America. More accommodating than dieting, it teaches us to slow down and plan for mindful eating habits. Despite what you may think, the original purpose of IF is not weight loss. The Eat-What-You-Want Diet, inspired by Evelyn Tribole, sounds too good to be true. Her intuitive eating method is less about weight loss and more about the mentality behind eating.

Top 5 reasons people choose intermittent fasting:

1. Revamp an unhealthy relationship with food, aka mindfulness

2. Religious reasons

3. Accommodate an unusual schedule (working overnight or skipping lunch)

4. Support running or other forms of fitness/sports

5. Manage health conditions (always consult a doctor)

Back in Episode #110, we surveyed members of the Running Motivation Facebook page to ask how food freedom influences their running, and vice versa. Most runners shared that they run for the ability to indulge in high calorie culinary favorites, namely beer and Mexican food! However, some of the more serious runners stated that they stick to diets that support their running practice, because they would have to work harder and would feel worse if they ate junk food on a regular basis.

How does IF work?

While fasting, only consume water, unsweetened herbal tea, or black coffee. Science explains the physiological response that occurs when fasting. Once digestion is complete, remaining energy is purely devoted to detoxifying the body and restoring the cells. There are different IF methods. Find one that is practical for your schedule and level of ability.

  • Fasting window of 10-16 hours (for IF beginners)

  • Weekly 24-hour fast, or twice a week fasts

  • Skip meals when not hungry, or choose one to skip

  • OMAD - One Meal A Day (advanced-level fasting)

At Keep Calm and Run To The Best You, we are actively helping people from all walks of life to get healthier and happier in the body they’ve got! We’ve collected advice from professionals, combed through archives, and gathered insights from our group members. Click here to see the rest of our 101 health tips about running, intermittent fasting, and weight loss.

Get started with an intermittent fasting routine

Coach Tadris Parker trains athletes at all levels for intermittent fasting.

Email coachtadris@gmail.com with questions about our Run/Walk Club, running events, or health programs.

If you’re serious about intermittent fasting, sign up for our Keeping It Real Health Challenge!

Coach Tadris & JoAnna Robbins meet up for a beautiful sunrise run in Atlantic City!

JoAnna is training for her first half marathon in October 2022!