#51 - Believe In Yourself! (The Lisa & Eric Keating Story)


One of the hardest things to do is to have confidence in yourself when you don't believe you can achieve your desired goal! Lisa Keating signed up for a beginner's 5k training program, due to seeing her sister crush race after 5k race. Lisa wanted a piece of the action. Every week, however, Lisa would doubt whether or not she can finish that week's scheduled work out. Lisa’s husband Eric also signed up for the same 5k training as a walker to support his wife. Now Eric is one of the leaders in this walking community. Coach Tadris caught up with the two retired peas of a pod to see what makes them tick and how they feel to accomplish goals together.

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Coach: I’m so happy to feature you guys on this week’s podcast. You are a great example for anyone who is retired to find something they can do to keep active. How long have you and your husband Eric been retired?

Lisa: I have been retired for 5 years now. Eric has only 1 year in retirement. 

Coach: What were your professions? 

Lisa: Eric was a professional painter and I was a school bus driver. 

Coach: Take us back to the start of your journey in March of 2019 when you and Eric joined our Beginners 5k Training Program, how were you feeling?

Lisa: I was excited but a little nervous at the same time since I hadn’t run since grade school. 

Coach: What made you get up one day and say I need to change my habits? 

Lisa: After Eric retired we decided to do something together to stay active and my sister Chrissy told us about this beginner's 5k training program that she was in. So we thought we would give it a try. 


Lisa Keating’s First 5k, May 11th 2019


Shirley Mae Breast Cancer 5k

Coach: How did it feel to run your first 5k only 8 weeks after joining the program? May of 2019 (Shirley Mae Breast Cancer Run) 

Lisa: It felt really amazing, I never dreamed I would ever run a race. Now I come to love running so much! 


October 19th, 2019 (Atlantic City 10k)

Coach: What was it like to run your 10k in October? 

Lisa: To run my first 10k only 7 months of running felt fantastic! It was such a great accomplishment. 

Coach: Why did you sign up for multiple races directly after that 10k

Lisa: I went on to sign up for 3 half marathons in 2020 along with a 5 miler immediately after running that 10k. I knew I had it in me to run and I enjoy the adrenaline rush I get after each event. I absolutely love the feeling! 


January 1st (First Race Of 2020, Ocean City, NJ)


April 25th, 2020 (April Fools Virtual Half Marathon)

Coach: Fast forward to one year later...... April 25th, 2020 you run your first half marathon with your sister Chris Ballard!!! How did that feel for you? 

Lisa: I used to say Chrissy was crazy, there is no way, I’m ever running that far. (13.1 miles) Then I got bitten by the run bug and I enjoy the challenge that running brings to my life. It was an amazing experience to run my first half marathon with my sister. Unfortunately it had to be virtual, due to the Covid-19. At the same time, it is what made it special to run side by side with my sister. I am so looking forward to when we can get back together as a running community to run my first in-person half marathon. 

Coach: What At The Moment Are Your Healthy Habits?

Lisa: I run at least 4 days per week. I also cleaned up my eating habits in order to become a better runner. 

Coach: How do you feel now since adopting this healthier lifestyle? 

Lisa: I feel younger and more energetic. I’m 53 years old, yet I feel like I’m in my 20’s 

Coach: How does your husband enjoy the new you?  

Lisa: He thinks I’m crazy because all I think about is going out getting my next run in. Eric does like that I’m much happier when running. 

Coach: Let’s talk about Eric for a moment. As a walker in the beginning, how far could he go before getting tired?

Lisa: About 1.5 miles very slowly

Coach: What is he up to now?

Lisa: 4 miles at a nice pace. One time he lost track of his distance and walked almost 6 miles. I’m proud of my husband. He also lost 20-25lbs since taking up walking. 


Coach: That’s awesome Lisa! I’m very happy for both of you. 

What have you excited today, any special events coming that you are working on at that moment? 

Lisa: Running my next virtual 5k on May 30th to help support the Humane Society in our community. You know I love animals. I’m working on beating my 29:55!

Coach: Well Lisa, go get 29:45, you got this! We are all routing for you. It has been a privilege to see your accomplishments over the past year. Thanks for sharing them with us. 

Before we let you go........

WHAT can you say to our readers/listeners who may be ready to start their journey tomorrow?

Lisa: You Have To Join This Program! (New 8 Week Program) Whether you want to walk or run, the benefits will last a lifetime. Being a part of a group you’ll get all the encouragement you need to succeed! (Online Participants can sign up to our Accountability Online Group)

Listen To Lisa Tell You Herself

#51 - Believe In Yourself w/ Lisa Keating

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Thank You - Coach Tadris 


NEW 8 Week 5k Run/Walk Training Program

Join our New 8 Week Training and receive 16 in person sessions, certificate of completion, we sign you up for a local race, along with our comfortable team shirts. Registration ends May 31st (Only 15 Spots Available) Join Now

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