#184 - Walk The Dog Every Day: Health Tips for Weight Loss

Weight loss tip number 78 is for dieters who are just getting started. Coach Tadris Parker has personally tested this recommendation and a hundred other health tips commonly shared in the running and fitness world. Listen to the audio clip below to hear his take on this tip: walk the dog every day. Learn all about this at Keep Calm and Run To The Best You!

If you own a dog, make a routine out of taking walks. If you don’t, explore the option of borrowing a neighbor’s pooch or pursue a dog walking gig on the side. You’ll get a ton of extra steps in without even realizing!

Tip 78. Walk the dog every day (weight loss)

Humans aren’t the only ones who need a healthy diet and daily exercise. Over half of the dogs in the U.S. are either overweight or obese, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention. Your dog should get 30 minutes of exercise a day, minimum. If your dog is out of shape, cut back on the food and walk the dog every day to keep your beloved pet in the family for a long time. You could add years to your dog’s life expectancy with a healthier routine.

Want a happy home? Walk the dog every day!

Your dog will love the scheduled bonding time with you as you take daily walks around your neighborhood. Your dog is less likely to bark incessantly if you take regular walks to familiarize the dog with your local surroundings. Less barking means you and your family will be more relaxed in your home.

There will probably be fewer messy accidents, as well. If you have a puppy, a senior dog, or a pet who struggles with bladder or bowel control, get into a routine of walking the dog every day. Cleaner floors for the win!

Want a healthy life? Walk the dog every day!

Dog walking will make YOU more healthy, too! If you walk the dog every day, you will walk more steps and keep up a steadier pace (depending on the dog, of course). The routine will keep you accountable through all types of weather. If you don’t have a running buddy or someone to walk with, a dog will readily volunteer for the job! If you don’t have a job, maybe that’s the right move for your overall health. You can apply to adopt a dog from the Humane Society of Atlantic County if you live locally.

Mentally and emotionally, walking the dog every day will keep you grounded and help you to enjoy the neighborhood from a canine’s perspective. There’s nothing like getting fresh air and proverbially “smelling the flowers” when you get out to exercise. A dog brings attention to things that are often overlooked, and you may discover something interesting to make your daily walks more enjoyable.

Dog walking can even do wonders for a stale social life. Get out there and meet the neighbors. Friendly dogs take the awkwardness  out of icebreakers and can make it easier to strike up a conversation with someone you typically don’t talk to. Make a new friend on your next walk with your dog.

Want a side hustle? Walk the dog every day!

Whether or not you own a dog, there’s a need for dog walkers no matter where you live. Make some extra cash while you enjoy your daily exercise routine. Sure, it’s more of a hassle than walking alone but it’s not a bad gig! Find a nice client and walk the dog every day. According to the website called Wag!, the US average dog walker makes between $17 and $27, plus tips for a 30-minute walk.

Sites for becoming a dog walker

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At Keep Calm and Run To The Best You, we are actively helping people from all walks of life to get healthier and happier in the body they’ve got! We’ve collected advice from professionals, combed through archives, and gathered insights from our group members. Click here to see the rest of our 101 health tips about running, intermittent fasting, and weight loss.

Find support and accountability at Run/Walk Club

Coach Tadris Parker educates and motivates people at all levels of intermittent fasting and mindful eating.

Email coachtadris@gmail.com with questions about our Run/Walk Club, running events, or health programs.

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