#77 - Walking, Intermittent Fasting, & Weight Loss w/ Marie Geary


In this week's blog/podcast we were able to catch up with one of our favorite local members of the Keep Calm And Run To The Best You Program. Marie Geary was already featured on our show back in episode #47 - Walk The Walk w/ Marie Geary, but she is back to share how she lost 40lbs in the last 4 months. You're going to want to hear how this 59-year-old preschool teacher was able to do this despite Covid-19 and the challenges of learning to be a virtual teacher. 

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Coach Tadris: Marie we had you on the show back in April of 2020 it was episode #47 “Walk The Walk w/ Marie Geary”  In that episode, I was very inspired by your story of you traveling cross country with your grandson and being able to walk San Diego Zoo with your grandson…. Your final word of encouragement for our listeners was “Just take it one step at a time.” Marie, do you still feel that way? 

Marie: Absolutely! Especially after what I have been able to accomplish recently. 

Coach: For our listeners that haven’t heard episode #47 Let's tell everyone what you do for a living?

Marie: I’m a preschool teacher 

Coach: What kind of challenges have you faced being a virtual teacher so far?

Marie: It is twice as much work, technical difficulties, and attempting to entertain 3 and 4-year-olds online.

Coach: Has walking helped level your stress of all of these changes?

Marie: Absolutely! 

Coach: Marie, today marks 4 months of your new lifestyle change, you had already been on a walking streak and things were going well from that standpoint. Yet as you were walking and walking, we were not seeing any changes in your body. We started our Weekly Health Connection Calls in June and you have been a staple of every one of those calls. In mid-July you started your lifestyle change, what do you mean by that?

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(Keep Calm And Run To The Best You Virtual 5k on September 5th. Marie Geary is the center piece w/ The Burke Sisters and Lisa Diaz to her left. Her daughter Katie with her husband Matt Ayers to her right!)

Marie: Well I was challenged by another friend to write a letter to myself to open six months from now. It was more difficult than I thought it would be. I started to think about my weight and health. I decided it was time to get myself together and do what needed to be done. It finally occurred to me during one of your Health Connection Calls that I had been intermittent fasting already and didn't realize it. So I decided to use it as a tool with more intention on my health.

Coach: Wow, that’s great Marie! Would you say that our calls woke you up to new ideas on how you can start to see results with all your walking?

Marie: Yes. I needed to do more than just walk I needed to get food issues under control.

Coach: Let’s talk about that secret weapon. Everyone wants to know what you are doing to lose this weight! It’s not just one thing, however. What role has Intermittent Fasting played in your most recent success in your lifestyle?

Marie: I have to say I’m using a lot of knowledge about myself and previous weight loss methods for success. For me, I need to use a calorie counting program to not overeat. I am an overeater in the past. The intermittent fasting has taken me to a new level of not restricting or limiting foods. I still use a calorie counting app to keep me in check. I am starting to gain control and may slowly be loosening that as well.

Coach: What’s your current eating window? How long do you fast per day?

Marie: I have an 18-hour fasting window. 18/6 is good for me, although on most days I tend to do 22 hours on weekdays. On weekends I fast for 16 hours on average.

Coach: Were you always fasting for this long?

Marie: Oh no. I realized that I was not much of a breakfast eater anyway. I started with a 16-hour window and worked my way up.

Coach: For weight loss, 16 hours is a sweet spot. When you can go beyond that, you really maximize your results. You started another streak as well, no candy! Why is this important to you? What were you using candy for in the past?

Marie: I’m a candy addict. For me, candy was a stress reliever and I ate it mindlessly. You know grab a few pieces when passing it on the counter.

Coach: How do you feel now since adopting this healthier lifestyle?

Marie: Wow, I feel great! A lot healthier. My knees don’t hurt as much going up steps. More energy and I can zipper my jacket without having to raise it over my hips! I also had to buy a new pair of pants. SIZE SMALL!

Coach: Wow, how much have you lost in the LAST 4 MONTHS?

Marie: I have lost 41.6 lbs and 18.1 overall inches.

Coach: Wow, Marie, I know that our whole crew has been so inspired by seeing your transformation over these last 4 months. You look happy and healthy!

Marie: Thank you! This group means a lot to me! I’ve made a lot of new lifelong friends! Everyone is supportive and genuinely caring. We all help each other. If I can help one person, it makes me feel good.

Coach: Marie we are so proud of you! You are an amazing young lady. (59, feeling 49 these days) You are an amazing teacher, mother, wife, grandmother, friend, and overall human. I’m so excited to see you continue to reach for your goals.

Thank you for being on the show!

(Listen to Marie tell her story Now!)

Before we let you go........

WHAT can you say to our listeners who may be ready to start their journey tomorrow?



Start now!

It’s not as hard as you think. 

One step, one day at a time.

Life’s too short to wait. 

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Remember, we are just one run or walk away……

So Keep Calm And Run To The Best You My Friends!

-Coach Tadris 

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