#173 - Be Sure You Can Pass the “Talk Test”: Health Tips for Running

Running tip number 6 is for runners who are just getting started. Coach Tadris Parker has personally tested this recommendation and a hundred other health tips commonly shared in the running and fitness world. Listen to the audio clip below to hear his take on this one piece of health advice: “Be sure you can pass the ‘talk test’.” Learn all about this at Keep Calm and Run To The Best You!

“The ‘talk test’ means running at a pace comfortable enough to converse with a training partner—but not so easy that you could hit the high notes in an Italian opera.” —Runner’s World editors

Tip 6. Be Sure You Can Pass the “Talk Test” (running)

Some people walk for fitness and some people prefer to run. At Run To The Best You, we applaud every type of exercise, even baby steps; but we’d be lying if we didn’t tell you that there is a big difference between mobility and exercise. What makes an activity truly count as aerobic exercise is when you maintain a pace where your heart rate is elevated for a set distance or time.

Counting daily steps is a great health trend because it makes people aware of how much (or how little) they move around. Counting steps seems to motivate sedentary people to take extra walks throughout their day. The Fitbit, Apple Watch, or basic pedometer is a perfect gift for someone who’s trying to be more active. Step counting is an effective tool, but reaching your daily steps goal is not equal to getting a genuine workout. It’s good for circulation to get moving, and yes, walking around the store beats sitting on a couch, but it doesn’t necessarily count as aerobic exercise.

Do you know how to pace yourself when you’re running or walking for exercise? Improper pace is a common mistake for beginner runners. When you run at a pace that is too fast to maintain, you end up with oxygen debt. This is when your lungs start to feel like they’re going to burst. You will hate the way it feels to run when you’re in oxygen debt. On the other hand, if you’re walking or running too slow or sporadically you will not get a good workout. This brings about sloppy form and will not lead to the invigorating runner’s high that you get from real exercise. The purpose of real exercise is to strengthen your lungs and your heart, build endurance, and shape your body into the best athlete that you can be.

Hiring a running coach is a huge advantage to you as a beginner. You will be inclined to develop the right form and pace from the start. It takes discipline to breathe correctly and pace yourself while running. Coach Tadris uses different methods to help with this, including the Run-Walk-Run method, heart rate monitor training, and a super easy method called the “talk test.”

The “talk test” means that you can carry on a conversation without passing out! If you feel like you’re going to collapse, you probably are holding your breath or running too fast. However, if you’re able to sing the national anthem without missing a note, you definitely need to pick up the pace a bit. When running with an accountability partner, try to keep a light conversation going to ensure that you’re both breathing evenly and pacing each other well.

Next time you’re at a race or other running event, look for someone you know who has a similar pace and speed as you, and try to keep up with them. You may be tempted to compare yourself to the most athletic looking runner on the starting line, but that’s not what this is about. You should focus on your own personal goal when you’re running. The benefit to keeping up with another runner is that it helps you to maintain a pace, but don’t just pick a random person from the group. Pace varies according to your stride, level of experience, and your training. Ideally, train with an accountability partner so you can pace each other, then go run the race together. Remember to breathe, stay aware of your pace, and walk the walk while you talk the talk. It’s always more fun with friends. Buddy up and give yourself the talk test!

We have an amazing group of runners and long distance walkers at Run To The Best You. Coach Tadris brings everyone together for group training sessions twice a week, and he works individually with those who need one-on-one coaching. We run multiple races in the South Jersey Shore area every year, and there is always room for one more! No matter your age or what shape you are in now, Coach Tadris will train you and equip you with the right techniques so you’ll be prepared to fly through your next running event. Don’t run the race alone. Find accountability here in our Run/Walk Club and build relationships with friends who will keep pace with you.


At Keep Calm and Run To The Best You, we are actively helping people from all walks of life to get healthier and happier in the body they’ve got! We’ve collected advice from professionals, combed through archives, and gathered insights from our group members. Click here to see the rest of our 101 health tips about running, intermittent fasting, and weight loss.

Train for your next running event

Coach Tadris Parker trains athletes at all levels for local or virtual running events.

Email coachtadris@gmail.com with questions about our Run/Walk Club, running events, or health programs.

If you’re serious about running or walking to improve your overall health, join our Run/Walk club and let’s do this together!