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#192 - Choose Foods Wisely - Make it Count: Health Tips for Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting tip number 47 is for those who are just getting started with intermittent fasting. Coach Tadris Parker has personally tested this recommendation and a hundred other health tips commonly shared in the running and fitness world. Listen to the audio clip below to hear his take on why you should choose foods wisely and make it count. Learn all about this at Keep Calm and Run To The Best You!

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WHEN you’re eating is the focus of IF, but equally important is WHAT you are eating in that window. You can’t afford to waste space for junk food because your body needs good, clean fuel to run well. Don’t fill up on low quality foods, but choose foods that are both satisfying and nutritious.

Tip 47. Choose Foods Wisely - Make it Count! (intermittent fasting)

What’s the deal with intermittent fasting? You may be wondering if “IF” is a hyped up fad like many other diet terms circulating in the fitness communities. Everyone knows that clean eating and regular exercise is good for you, positioning you for weight loss, higher energy and stamina, and a decreased risk of health problems. These are worthy goals, but what diet changes do you really need to make in order to lose weight? Let’s jump in to explore the when and the what of intermittent fasting and why it actually does work!

WHEN - The Eating and Fasting Window for IF

Different IF methods have proven to effectively help people lose weight and keep it off - for good! Like any solid plan, it works if you work it. Intermittent fasting is something that all humans technically do on some level because nobody eats 24/7, around the clock. However, true IF requires developing a schedule and taking a structured approach to your daily mealtimes and snacking habits.

A manageable, highly effective IF routine that many adopt at Keep Calm and Run To The Best You is the 16/8 eating cycle. Whatever time you break your fast (whether it’s breakfast in the morning or a protein-packed meal later in the day) you must stop eating within eight hours of that first meal. There are more advanced options including Two Meals a Day and OMAD (One Meal A Day), or for IF beginners, we recommend you start out committing to uphold the 12-hour gap and go from there.

The number one thing to remember about your IF window is to remain 100% calorie-free during that fasting period. This means that even a coffee will break your fast if you’re adding sweetener or cream. Only black coffee, unsweetened tea, or water may be consumed during the time designated for fasting. 

As for your eating window, you need to be intentional about eating the right amount of calories so your body will respond by slimming down instead of accidentally triggering “starvation mode” and slowing down your metabolism. Make sure you’re eating enough to keep energized and sustain your body through the fasting period. The more active you are, the more calories you need. Check out this online calorie calculator and see what the Mayo Clinic recommends based on your age, height, weight, and activity level.

WHAT - Choosing Foods Wisely for IF

Now that we know how important calorie intake is on an IF cycle, let’s talk about what you’re supposed to be eating. As Coach Tadris Parker famously says, “You can’t outrun a bad diet!” What you are eating, as someone who is mindfully committed to intermittent fasting, is very important. For the best results, please do eat foods that are high in protein, high in fiber, and full of nutrients. If you’re worried that you’re not getting enough nutritious food during your window, consider taking vitamins and supplements to fill the gap.

So, what’s in your kitchen? Position yourself for success ahead of time, before you start to feel hungry. By the way, here’s another tip: do not go food shopping while hungry! Plan ahead so you know what you’re eating at each meal and what your snack options will be. Planning ahead puts you at a great advantage because you’ll shop accordingly and keep your pantry in check. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and opt for baked foods, which are usually healthier than the fried options.

You’ll be better served if you avoid drinking alcoholic beverages while practicing intermittent fasting. Liquors and wines are chock full of empty calories - wasting space and offering very little nutritional value. If you want to enjoy an adult beverage during your eating window, it’s recommended to opt for cider, sparkling water, or maybe a light beer.

WHY - Intermittent Fasting Helps You Lose Weight

You can lose eight to ten pounds per month by intermittent fasting, if done correctly, and you can keep the weight off if you’re wise about when and what you’re eating. How many pounds and inches you’ll lose depends on your starting weight and your commitment to the intermittent fasting program. Successfully losing weight with IF requires a shift in mindset. You can’t get stuck thinking about how to bend the rules or count down to that next “cheat day” if you want IF to work for you. 

Food freedom is a healthy mindset for intermittent fasting. This is where you acknowledge the tradeoff that occurs when you eat. If you’re eating well (consuming the right amount of calories, getting nutrients, and eating foods you enjoy during a predetermined time) your body will benefit the most. If you binge on dessert or grab drinks with friends, you reserve the right to do that, but acknowledge that you’ll pay a price. The price varies but if you’re like most of us, you will need to exercise harder that week or cut back on your calories to avoid gaining weight and falling out of your discipline. Food freedom means you “delay” or limit indulgences instead of denying them completely, making a conscious decision based on whether or not it’s worth it to you.

Intermittent Fasting

IF really does work because your body burns fat at a higher rate and retains the nourishment it needs. IF prompts your body to detox. Picture what’s happening inside during your fasting window as you’re restoring your health at a cellular level and shedding unneeded junk. Intermittent Fasting isn’t a fad diet or even a new concept - it’s a tried and true way of keeping a healthy rhythm and supporting your natural systems of digestion and metabolism so you can feel and look your absolute best. 

You don’t need to order a diet food program or count up points in order to lose weight. Just be mindful about when and what you are eating, and make it count! You can and will achieve your weight loss goals with a manageable intermittent fasting routine!

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At Keep Calm and Run To The Best You, we are actively helping people from all walks of life to get healthier and happier in the body they’ve got! We’ve collected advice from professionals, combed through archives, and gathered insights from our group members. Click here to see the rest of our 101 health tips about running, intermittent fasting, and weight loss.

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Coach Tadris Parker educates and motivates people at all levels of intermittent fasting and mindful eating.

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