#119 - What’s Your Favorite Running Book & Why? Feat Angela Riley

When it comes to running we need constant motivation to keep going. Some debate whether it’s discipline or motivation that’s needed. To me, that is like saying; Which is more important for your car, the gas or the oil? Of course, we need both. Some cars take more gas than others. Older cars burn more oil than newer cars. When I ruptured my patella tendon back in 2009, during my rehab journey I read a lot of Runner World magazines. Those tips and tricks to running gave me the motivation to get back out there and run again. The STORIES gave me the inspiration and motivation to believe in myself that I too can run again. To keep our cars running strong, regular oil changes are needed and we need to get gas weekly. Our bodies are no different. Continue to fuel your tank with motivation and oil your minds by learning new techniques to keep ourselves running forever. 

In this week’s blog/podcast I will give you a few of my favorite running books that I read that transformed my running forever. I also took this question to the streets to see what others had to say. Please feel free to comment below on your favorite running book of all time. I also caught up with Angela Riley to see how she faired at the August 28th, 2021 Physique Challenge. Take a listen to here he explain her experience. Continue reading to see Angela's transformation.

When I began my running journey after my knee injury, Runners World Magazine got me it wasn't a particular book that got me started. Runners World Magazine was the source material that first inspired me to get going again. It was books that help me get personal results that led me to start my own program.

My First Books:

Run Less Run Faster - This book gave me a great beginner 5k schedule to follow. Following the three day per week training really helped me grab a sub 30 minute 5k after injury. The book gave me so much confidence that I began using it to help others start their running journey.

The Runners Diet - This book got me started on my path to finding ways to eat real foods running performance.

Run - Walk - Run - This book and philosophy revolutionized the way I train myself and new members into our program.

Year Round Running - I wanted a book that can give me the motivation that I needed to run all year. I loved how this book had a 52 week training plan to have you ready for multiple races throughout the year.

9 Mile Marathon - This book is in harmony with what I wanted to learn from the start. How to run further by running less.

Mental Training For Runners - I picked up this in Florida at the Disney Half Marathon in 2020. I love how this book helps you break through mental barriers and wipe away the excuses.

What Other Runners Say:

Lisa Barr: Let Your Mind Run: A Memoir of Thinking My Way To Victory

Gregory Ruffin Jr. : Race Across America

Gregory Ruffin: Run Fast: How to Beat Your Best Time Every Time (I want to read this! - Coach Tadris)

Rick Bruhn: Once A Runner

Alu De Urquiza: What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (Audio Book)

Michael Strong: My Year of Running Dangerously

Dan Banks: Born To Run

Dan Banks: A Runners High

I just gave you 14 high quality books to give you a jump-start into your running practice. If you are already on a roll with your running, these books can keep you rolling.

If you have a favorite book, please comment below. Perhaps your favorite book is already listed, please comment below your takeaways from the book.

Catching Up w/ Angela Riley

This week I live up to my promise of bringing back on episode #114 - Hard Work Pays Off / Running Towards Your Goals star Angela Riley. In that episode we found out that Angela in the past year has been working on competing in her first physique challenge on August 28th. I checked in to see how she faired. We had such a wonderful conversation about her experience on this week’s podcast.

Please Listen Now to Episode #119 hear Angela explains how it felt to be on stage with so many confident woman.

I want to thank Angela for coming on my show 3 times and share her experience and health journey with me. Angela never shared this photo on her social media feeds due to being slightly embarrassed by her before picture. Yet she chose to share it with us first. So grateful for this. I’m extremely proud of this young woman for taking her health to the next level. Angela went from losing 100 pounds w/o surgery, to wanting to participate in a physique challenge. There is a difference between wanting to do something and actually doing it. Angela got it do with hard work.

The Message Here: Never Give Up!

-Coach Tadris
