Run To The Best You

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#118 - Going The Extra Mile (What You Can Do With Your Extra Running Energy)

If you are a runner or an avid walker, you have an energy that most don’t have today that doesn't exercise. This extra energy allows you to “Go The Extra Mile” in all that you do in life. The term “going the extra mile” is a very old expression. It describes individuals who provide great customer service whether it's over the phone, in person, or via email. It comes down to doing more than is expected, trying a little harder, and going above the norm. At work - If you say that someone is willing to go the extra mile, you mean that they are willing to make a special effort to do or achieve something.

The question is; What are you doing with your extra mile running energy? Feel free to comment below and your comments will be read in our next podcast. Read or listen to this podcast to hear what others are doing with their extra mile running energy. 

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What I Do With My Extra Mile Running Energy:

  1. I use the energy that I receive from running to dominate my workday! Give my members the best service and attention they deserve. 

  2. When at races, I run my race as fast as I can. I then go back to bring my members to the finish line. That gives me a good extra mile. 

  3. Finally, I use my energy to volunteer in the community teaching people how to use scriptures to cope with today's problems. I love helping people. 

What Our Peers Say They Do With Their Extra Mile Running Energy

Nick Houser: Straight to reserves to keep up with my 3-year-old.

Katie Stearns: Pretty sure my 4-year-old siphons it all away.

Sharon Tomlinson: Take care of business others can't!

Amanda Smith: I get stuff done around the house. Yard work, clean, laundry. My most productive days are on early run days.

Candy Nevers: Run more 🤣🤣🤣

Chowder Cassanell: Well today it helped chase down and scream at a man on a bike who smacked my bum at the crosswalk.🙊 There’s a reason I train like an Amazon!

Matt Iseman: I guess I'm running wrong. I don't gain any extra energy.

Mary Wieth: I started running so I would have extra endurance backpacking.

Joel Dixon: Try to keep up with young kids, coach their little league sports, and serve in my church,

Christine McAnespie: It’s a mental weight lifted off my shoulders... I guess it clears the clutter to make room for more 🤣🤣

Fern Rodriguez: Run some more! Oh yeah, and be a kind, nice, easy-going person (because I have no energy left to fight with anyone, hahaha) 🤣🤣

Stephanie Rodriquez: Last week I mowed my front yard and washed my jeep, bathed my dogs, took a shower, and laid out the rest of the day!

Podcast Review Comments That Went the Extra Mile

Members Going The Extra Mile

Ed Brown - This past week we had a new class join our RUNA5K Program. Ed Brown showed up early and shared his story of being in the program. The new ones were inspired even more to join. Thank you Ed for going the extra mile. 

Chris Ballard - Long-time member Chris came to run group training early on Thursday to support Janet on her run. Janet had to run before the group due to her work schedule. Chris ran with Janet then ran her workout with Jessica Young covering a total of 5.5 miles. Thanks, Chris for going the extra mile. 

Jamie Burke - Jamie has been going the extra mile when it comes to improving on everything she does. Whether it's her nutritional choices or running, Jamie is a student of the game. Jamie has been taking what she learns and shares it with the group! Thanks, Jamie for going the extra mile.  

Island Luau 5k Race  

Members Listed From Left to Right:  Jessica Young - Took ONE Minute off her 5k Time Lisa Keating - Returning to racing after experiencing vertigo. Lisa returned grandly, she did very well.  Katie & Chris - Accountability Partners (notched another race together.) 

Donna who was featured in episode #37 - Defying The Aging Process was at this event. It was so good to see her. It was only our second time crossing paths. I asked her what she does to go the extra mile? Donna stated that she uses her energy to volunteer at other races. Then went on to dominate this 5k event. 

Donna Grocki is 61 years young and finished with a time of 21:54 (2nd place woman (8th place overall) 

I came in 3rd place by less than 1 second (chipped timed event). We must remember to give our best although you may not see the person running next to you…….the chip person may be behind you but still beat you. 

Shout out to my boy Harlen Jones of the South Jersey Runners Club coming in third place with a time of 18:26 (average pace 5:56 per mile) 

The Post Race Events 

There was a ton of entertainment including; Dancing, Music, Hula-Hooping, & Fire Juggling.

I Met - Nicole Charlton-Nauroth (Again) but let me share how I met her. We met at the 2019 Atlantic City Marathon Series event. We decided to become FB friends when she noticed that we had a mutual friend in Jennifer Ballance. I interviewed Jennifer Ballance in episode #64 - Becoming Wonder Woman about a mother who runs races with two children in a stroller dressed as Wonder Woman! 

Nicole recognized me and said hello. It was great to see her. I learned that Nicole has a story of her own. I found out that Nicole lost 85lbs in her health journey. I had no idea that she had that much to lose. Nicole goes the extra mile by inspiring others.  

Thank you Nicole for going the extra mile by taking the time to talk with me. You could have walked right by me. I'm so proud of you and would love to have you on the show. 

Thanks for reading this week's blog.

Please feel free to comment below on how you go the extra mile! 

Do us a favor and share this on your favorite social media! If you listen to our podcast on Apple Podcast please rate and leave a review! 

Remember to Keep Calm And Run To The Best You! 

Have a great week! - Coach Tadris 

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